Year 6 - helping your child to prepare for SATs
Year 6 children take their KS2 SATs in May.
We will be giving the children lots of support with both the content of the tests and test technique to make sure they feel confident and prepared.
Completing their school work every night with care will help them the most.
If you wish to do extra at home, please do not use the previous SATs papers that can be found online. We use these for assessment in school.
Later in the year we will offer revision guides for you to buy.
Your child receives spellings each week. All the spellings given fit a rule. It will help your child to learn the rule as well as the spellings so that they can spell any word with the same spelling pattern. There is a spelling list for Year 5 and 6 here:
To reach the expected standard by the end of Year 6, children should be able to spell these words.
t2 e 1197 2014 curriculum spelling list years 5 and 6 word mat ver 2.pdf
There are many different grammar terms that your child will need to know for their SATs test.
The BBC Bitesize website is excellent and has lots of explanation videos and games to help children:
Children take home a book every day to read at home. They should be reading for 20 minutes every evening. Even though the children can read by themselves, it is always helpful for them to read aloud to a parent or older sibling.
Children all have access to the Bug Club website, which can be accessed through their WONDE login. The books they have been assigned are at the right level for each child. The children are also asked questions about their reading as they go through the book.
Most children would benefit from working on their arithmetic skills and in particular, their fluency in maths. This means how quickly they can answer simple maths facts in their head, such as 120 + 50 or 9 x 8.
They can practise their times tables on TT Rockstars through their WONDE login. This should take place every night for 5 minutes.
There are other online maths games that also will help them practise key number facts:
Hit the button -
Daily ten -
Defenders of Mathematica -