Home Learning Yr4
Days 51 to 60
Introduction and Cover Sheet
Please find below your learning activities for days 51 - 60.
The link below takes you to a cover sheet. This gives you more information about the work for each day.
Day 51 Friday 19th June
- Y4 Blue Booklet Day 51
- Y4 Day 51 Science Good Vibrations
- Y4 Literacy All Groups Day 51
- Y4 Literacy Blue Day 51
- Y4 Maths Day 51 WALT investigate number problems
- Y4 Reading Blue group Day 51
- Y4 Reading Red Orange Yellow Green Groups Day 51
Day 52 Monday 22nd June
- Y4 Blue Booklet Day 52
- Y4 Maths Day 52 WALT solve problems with number and place value
- Y4 Project Computing Day 52
- Y4 Reading Blue group Day 52
- Y4 Reading Red Orange Yellow Green Groups Day 52
- Year 4 Literacy Day 52
Day 53 Tuesday 23rd June
- Y4 PE Day 53
- Y4 Blue Booklet Day 53
- Y4 Maths Day 53 WALT solve addition and subtraction problems
- Y4 Reading Blue group Day 53
- Y4 Reading Red Orange Yellow Green Groups Day 53
- Year 4 Literacy Day 53
Day 54 Wednesday 24th June
- Y4 Blue Booklet Day 54
- Y4 Maths Day 54 WALT solve multiplication and subtraction problems
- Y4 PE Day 54
- Y4 Reading Blue group Day 54
- Y4 Reading Red Orange Yellow Green Groups Day 54
- Year 4 Literacy Day 54
Day 55 Thursday 25th June
- Art day 55
- Y4 Blue Booklet Day 55
- Y4 Maths Day 55 WALT solve problems with fractions and decimals
- Y4 Reading Blue group Day 55
- Y4 Reading Red Orange Yellow Green Groups Day 55
- Year 4 Literacy Day 55
Day 56 Friday 26th June
- Y4 Art Day 56
- Y4 Blue Booklet Day 56
- Y4 Maths Day 56 WALT complete the Multiplication Tables Check
- Y4 Reading Blue group Day 56
- Y4 Reading Red Orange Yellow Green Groups Day 56
- Year 4 Literacy Day 56
Day 57 Monday 29th June
- Y4 Art Day 57
- Y4 Blue Booklet Day 57
- Y4 Grammar Green Blue Groups Day 57
- Y4 Grammar Red Orange Yellow Day 57
- Y4 Maths Day 57 WALT read coordinates in the first quadrant
- Y4 Reading Blue group Day 57
- Y4 Reading Red Orange Yellow Green Groups Day 57
Day 58 Tuesday 30th June
- Y4 Blue Booklet Day 58
- Y4 Geography 58
- Y4 Grammar Red Orange Yellow Day 58
- Y4 Maths Day 58 WALT plot coordinates to draw polygons
- Y4 Reading Blue group Day 57
- Y4 Reading Red Orange Yellow Green Groups Day 58
Day 59 Wednesday 1st July
- Y4 Blue Booklet Day 59
- Y4 Geography 59
- Y4 Maths Day 59 WALT identify missing coordinates of polygons on a 2D grid
- Y4 Reading Blue group Day 59
- Y4 Reading Red Orange Yellow Green Groups Day 59
- Year 4 Literacy All Groups Day 59
Day 60 Thursday 2nd July
- Y4 Blue Booklet Day 60
- Y4 Day 60 Science Hearing Sounds
- Y4 Maths Day 60 WALT identify the coordinates of a shape after translation
- Y4 Project Computing Day 60
- Y4 Reading Blue group Day 60
- Y4 Reading Red Orange Yellow Green Groups Day 60
- Year 4 Literacy All Groups Day 60
Other Activities
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